Action Institute
Over a two-day period, established faculty from one of the premier communication schools in the United States, Emerson College, along with experienced professional practitioners will teach the basic skills and approaches required to be effective advocates for racial and social justice. The Action Institute will offer twelve specific courses. Each course offering will be up to 60 minutes in length and offer participants an opportunity for hands on training and interaction.
All student teams will be tasked to develop an Action Plan addressing issues of racial and social justice that they will attempt to implement upon their return home. Team Harmony will track the progress of the students and their Action Plan over the coming year and will award teams with the Zakim Award and special recognition for outstanding efforts.
Action Plan Development
An Action Plan is a strategy developed by a student team that addresses an issue or cause related to promoting racial harmony or social justice.
The Action Plan will identify their issue/cause, the target audience(s) they will direct the effort towards, the messaging they plan to use to promote their effort and will also detail the various activities and tools they will utilize to deliver their message during the duration of the campaign. The Action Plan should state a start and end date for the effort and expected outcomes.
Remember, that Action Plans comes in all sizes, from a small activity to large scale undertakings! All sizes are welcome!
Samples of Action Plans include:
Hosting a school assembly about diversity, equity and inclusion.
Inviting an expert to speak to a group about racial and social justice.
Hosting a panel discussion about climate change and actions that can be taken in your community.
Forming a club or organization in your school that addresses a specific issue related to racial or social justice.
Creating an awareness campaign about an issue you care about. Be sure to offer ideas of how people can help!
Being a mentor! Work with younger students and help them get involved in their community.
Leading a voter registration drive in your community.
Team Harmony will recognize all teams that successfully implement their Action Plan with the Team Harmony Action Institute certificate of accomplishment.
A committee comprised of Team Harmony Tulsa Host Committee members will also select three student teams to receive the ZAKIM AWARD. Along with the Zakim Award these teams will receive special recognition at the 2024 event.
Action Institute Course Offerings
Defining Your Leadership Style
To better understand the implications of style diversity and its impact on team dynamics and your ability to influence and lead others. What is Leadership? How do you show up authentically you? Your leadership style determines how you strategize, show up, and how others may see you. Also taking into consideration your own Strengths and blind spots.
Social Media for Social Good
There are three things that make a person powerful: money, political influence, and social currency. The first two are the hardest to achieve. The third used to be difficult to acquire, but the social media revolution has forever changed the way we build power to make social impact for good.
Digital Storytelling
In this course, we will review the science, art, and practice of digital storytelling used for short-form content such as what is used on Youtube, Vimeo, and most social media platforms. An emphasis will be placed on understanding "how to" craft a story that persuades people to take action as well as the rules of digital grammar i.e.: the "how to" use a SmartPhone as a movie camera.
Running Your Campaign
Throughout this course you will learn how to effectively manage a campaign by keeping the traditional methods of campaigning but also tapping into cutting edge technology to persuade the voting electorate such as digital advertising. The presentation will be a combination of a fire side chat where Jason will speak about his journey into politics and a presentation where he will share insights into the evolution of campaigning that will be useful in any locality.
Meaningful Community Engagement
This session will introduce students to power, and the power in community. Additionally, the participants will learn effective community engagement strategies to help them understand, organize, and mobilize the community!
What is Power?
In What is Power we will build a shared understanding of power that includes organized people, organized money, and positional power. We will then do a simulation that illustrates how power can show up and be used to influence change or preserve the status quo. Finally, we will ask participants to reflect on how power shows up for an issue they care about.
Media and Public Relations 101
Learn how to use social media to enhance your most important asset - your credibility, the essence of your brand and the foundation of your ability to be an effective storyteller!
Public Speaking 101
Understanding how to captivate an audience and educate them about the issues you care about is critical to your success. This workshop will help you build the skills and confidence needed to address any audience.
Starting and Organizing Your Campaign - "The Power to Win"
What do the Women’s Voting, LGTQ+, Labor and even Gun rights movements have in common? Their organizers and leaders understand how to build and leverage POWER to win. In our session we will examine the core elements of winning campaigns as we build the framework of our own.
Communications in the 21st Century
We will share insights and observations about communicating, beginning with the building blocks of communication; how to identify threats to the truth, how to mitigate manipulation by others and how to recognize and respect points of view that are not your own.
This course will explore the power of Storytelling and how it shapes our lives. We will examine examples of powerful storytelling, and practice how to craft stories in order to affect positive change.
The Path to Influence and Civic Engagement: How to Find Your Voice, Battle Imposter Syndrome and Cause Good Trouble
This workshop discusses how to be confident getting involved in your community, whether it is through local or statewide politics, civic engagement, social media influencing, or activism. We will discuss how to be confident in your voice out in the public sphere. We also tackle how to deal with feelings of Imposter Syndrome and tips and tricks for addressing those feelings.
Gratitude, Attitude & Activism
Gratitude is necessary in terms of activism work because not only are we people who are trying to create change, but we are people with feelings, emotions and personal lives. It is easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of injustice, which can take a huge toll on our mental health. This presentation will highlight not only the practice of gratitude, but how it is vital within social justice work. Without gratitude, you can easily lose the community of people you are working beside. You can easily forget the forces that are on your side, and not against you. Without gratitude one can lose hope, a critical aspect of activist work. Without hope, change will never come.
Learning Outcomes:
● For students to reflect on who or what made their high school experience memorable.
● Students will share who they have gratitude for and why with the larger group.
Self-Care IS Social Justice: Uncovering Best Practices for Community and Self Preservation
Self-Care IS Social Justice will be a workshop that takes place at the Tulsa Action Institute in May 2023. Throughout the 3-day workshop, participants will engage in unique dialogue about ways to implement restorative practices into their activism as well as themselves. Self-Care IS Social Justice aims to provide Tulsa Action Institute participants with resources for both collective action and healing. In tandem with this element of Self-Care IS Social Justice, collaborative activities such as collage-making and brief media talkbacks will take place.
Learning Outcomes:
● Cultivate a deeper understanding of the linkages between race, social justice activism, self care and relationship with self.
● Develop 2-3 strategies for implementing various self care healing practices into social justice efforts. Students will be expected to present their findings with the larger group, and how this will be beneficial to the community.
Gen Z Long-term Strategies
During this course you will go through several examples of policies and issues and you will be shown how you can take protesting to the next step, not just registering and voting, but more than that - engaging elected officials. You will go through a few policies and issues then demonstrate ways to get engaged and learn how to hold those who represent us accountable.